
TUBITAK Projects

Project Title: The Effect of Aromatherapy Massage on the Severity of Restless Leg Syndrome, Daytime Sleepiness and Sleep Quality in Individuals Receiving Hemodialysis Treatment

Manager: Res. Asst. Ayser DÖNER


Consultant: Prof. Dr. Sultan TAŞCI; Prof. Dr. İsmail KOÇYİĞİT

Project Title: The Effect of Patient Education on Foot Care Behavior and Diabetic Foot Self-Efficacy in Individuals with Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Study

Manager:   Res. Asst. Hilal KAHRRAMAN

Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeliz SÜRME

Consultant: Prof. Dr. Sultan TAŞCI

Project Title: The Effect of Inhaled Aromatherapy on Anxiety and Fatigue Levels in Individuals with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)

Manager: Sebiha AKTAŞ SU


Consultant:  Prof. Dr. Sultan TAŞCI; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Orhan DEMİRTAŞ

Project Title: The Effect of Reiki Practice on Pain Severity and Quality of Life in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis Treatment: First Level Reiki and Second Level Reiki Practice Follow-up and Evaluation Study

Manager: Lecturer Dr. Sultan ÇEÇEN


Consultant: Prof. Dr. Sultan TAŞCI