Values and Objectives


  • Atatürk's Principles
  • Equal opportunity and freedom of expression
  • Rule of law
  • Human rights
  • Social values
  • Scientific ethical rules
  • Creative thinking
  • Lifelong learning
  • Quality in the information and service produced


The faculty aims to train professional nurses and dietitians

  • who will provide necessary theoretical knowledge to fulfill the roles and functions of the profession,
  • who will be able to reflect the acquired theoretical knowledge in their professional practices,
  • who will be able to work as a team with all stakeholders in health and social fields,
  • who will be sensitive to all kinds of developments and changes that may affect the health of the individual, family, group and society, and reflect these in the service provided,
  • who will be able to determine the needs of healthy or sick individuals in every environment, to plan, implement and evaluate the necessary service in order to meet these needs at the level of professional standards,
  • who will be able to have a part in vocational training, management and research and to take professional ethical principles into consideration while fulfilling all these,
  • who will have the ability to implement the acquired professional knowledge during their education on the basis of practice especially in the health units of public and private institutions of our country and in the other fields,
  • who will adopt lifelong learning and critical thinking.