(Program Qualifications)

The following Program Outcomes of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics are prepared considering the undergraduate education within the scope of the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYC), undergraduate education in the field of health and undergraduate education qualifications in the field of health, program qualifications in the Nutrition and Dietetics National Core Education Program (BDP-CEP), internal-external stakeholder views and the program outputs determined by the Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Health Sciences Programs (SABAK). The level of realization of the program outputs will be monitored by the Department of Education Commission at the end of each academic year by taking the opinions of internal and external stakeholders, and if necessary, updates will be made by taking account of the qualifications of the above-mentioned institutions.

Program Qualifications 

The graduates of this department

1- have the ability to use theoretical and applied knowledge specific to the field of nutrition and dietetics.

2- are competent in identifying problems that they may encounter in different fields of nutrition and dietetics, in critical evaluation, in solving these problems and in making conclusion-oriented decisions.

3- work effectively individually in a team and with different disciplines.

4- use up-to-date technologies and equipment related to the nutrition and dietetic practices, obtain accurate evidence-based information by scanning databases continuously and effectively, and develop functional training materials.

5- have the ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing in Turkish and at least one foreign language.

6- develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning and continuously improve themselves by participating in scientific and cultural activities.

7- have basic research skills such as planning and applying research in the field of nutrition and dietetics, evaluating and reporting the research data.

8- take responsibility in professional practices and decisions and adhere to ethical principles.

9- are aware of the effects and legal consequences of professional practices in social and universal dimensions.